What are Mobility Scooters?
Mobility scooters are transport aids for people with disabilities or mobility problems. These are battery-powered devices and consist of three or four wheels, a comfortable seat, a handlebar and foot plates. The batteries are charged using an electric power source. Some gasoline-powered scooters are also available, but electric models are increasing in demand.
These electric scooters are ideal for those who have strength in their upper arms and shoulders. Now, folding mobility scooters are also available to offer the advantage of portability.
Electric scooters are available in different sizes.
Small scooters: These scooters offer the benefit of portability. You can either dismantle or fold these small scooters and take them with you anywhere.
Medium scooters: These are larger scooters and offer better maximum weight capacity. Medium-sized scooters come in a variety of models offering easier maneuvering due to wider steering option. However, if you are looking for a medium-sized folding mobility scooter, you may not always find it in this range.
Large scooters: These scooters offer better battery range, weight capacity and speed compared with smaller and medium-sized models. They have proper space for storage due to their large build size.
Other specifications –
- Scooters with only two wheels are called mopeds and are suitable for people with only limited mobility problems. However, these days, newer models with five wheels are also available.
- Compact scooters are foldable models that are easier to store in the boot of a car. But these may come with limited features to accommodate the folding design.
- Pavement scooters offer some features of road legal models but can be dismantled for ease of transportation.
Before buying a scooter, test drive different models to find your perfect fit. If you want a folding mobility scooter, you may not find it in large models.