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Top 5 Home Made Exfoliating Face Scrubs

It is easy to prepare your own face scrub. You only need basic ingredients and they are easily available in the stores. Also, they are an inexpensive method of keeping your face clean. Exfoliating face scrubs have to be applied 2-3 times to get rid of the dead cells and keep the pores cleared of oil and dirt that can cause the skin to breakout. Also, the store ones contain harsh chemicals that can cause skin damage. If you prepare your own face scrub, you can be assured that your skin is not being subjected to chemicals. The Top 5 Exfoliating Face Scrubs are the DIY ones and these are a natural way of clearing the face.

Top 5 Home Made Exfoliating Face Scrubs
Also, they are not known to give birth to any side effects.

In the following details, you can find information on the best exfoliating face scrubs that can be prepared at home:

  • Tomato Sugar Face Scrub

Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is a nutrient that extends protection to your skin from the harmful effects of the sun’s rays. You can prepare a scrub with tomatoes and sugar for applying on the face for removal of the dead skin cells and its rejuvenating effects.

  • Honey and Oatmeal Facial Scrub

The combination of honey and oatmeal also constitute one of the best exfoliating face scrubs.

For its preparation, you need to mix nutmeg, melaleuca as well as Lavender essential oils, honey, and uncooked oats; the use of dehydrated lavender is optional. This scrub moisturizes the skin, reduces skin problems and imparts an even skin tone.

  • Blueberry and Honey Scrub

The preparation of this scrub entails combining 1 tablespoon of sugar, ½ cup of the fresh variety of blueberries and 2 tablespoons of raw honey. Use a blender to prepare the scrub after which it should be patted on the face and kept for 15 minutes, before splashing water for clearing the skin.

  • Sugar Face Scrub

In the category of best exfoliating face scrubs , the sugar face scrub surely deserves a mention. All you need for its preparation is to mix 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in a bowl. Then, the preparation should be rubbed on the face in circular motions for 1 minute or so and followed by rinsing with lukewarm water.

  • Coffee Face Scrub

You will need ingredients such as grounded coffee, olive oil and any organic variety of honey for preparing the coffee face scrub. It should be kept on the face until dry after which you can put water to clear the face.


It is also advisable to test new scrubs before you sleep during nighttime because if there is an adverse reaction on the skin, then your skin has time to recover during the night.

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