Improve email security with these 4 solutions
Email security jointly refers to the prediction, detection, prevention, and response framework employed for email access protection and attack protection. It includes the email systems, gateways, user behavior, and different supporting processes, services, and adjacent security architecture.
Let us find out which are the best email security solutions.
It is designed bearing the online threats of tomorrow in mind. Sophos is an intelligent email security software that leverages artificial intelligence to offer predictive security to safeguard your emails. The software utilizes Sophos email sandboxes, which is an award-winning technology. It can restrict zero-day malware and block unwanted apps. With the ultra-advanced behavior analysis and anti-ransomware technology, Sophos can prevent boot-record attacks and even the most latest ransomware.
![Improve email security with these 4 solutions](
This email security software helps you avoid phishing and whaling attacks by scanning inbound emails. One of the best features of SpamTitan is leak prevention, which guards your email against the loss of outbound email data. As a result, the configuration is more straightforward, and you can get rid of the threats in the most user-friendly manner.
It is an excellent cloud-based email security solution. The tool offers a comprehensive threat guard for Google Workspace and Office 365. Avanan also guards the enterprise against email attacks, such as malware, phishing, data loss, and account compromise. It is nestled inside the email environment and can be deployed quickly, without any MX record changes. In addition, Avanan’s API-based integration lets it scan historical emails. This allows the tool to precisely detect email fraud and user impersonation. With Avanan, you get multi-layered threat protection to keep your emails safe.
ESET Cloud Office Security
It is a security platform that enables businesses, regardless of their size, to guard Microsoft 365 apps, such as Exchange Online, OneDrive, Teams, and others via its anti-malware, anti-phishing, and spam filtering abilities. The software will scan all the incoming attachments, emails, updated or new files, and filter the spam messages in the inbox. Using the quarantine feature, admins can analyze the objects in the stored section and remove or release them as required. In addition, the IT team receives real-time threats and alerts of any suspicious activities.